A model of the baths of Diocletian

Aerial photo of the baths
Overview on the architecture of the baths of Diocletian
One of the most fascinating monuments in Rome, is The Bath of Diocletian, located in the northeast of the Viminal hill – which is found in the heart of today’s Rome. It took around seven to eight years, from 298 AD to 306 AD, for it’s completion. Looking at the plan of the baths one can see that the area of ninety meters square is divided into six main compartments, the caldarium- a circular room where the hot bath is found, leading to an oval room called the tepidarium which are the warm baths, leading to the frigidarium, a cold pool and to the natatio, a lukewarm pool. On the sides of the frigidarium are two palaestras, which were areas to wind down, relax, socialize, and even exercise. This large structure was able to provide accommodation for over 3200 bathers. It was the largest and grandest public bath built at its time. Its exterior was made of white stucco giving the visitor the impression that it’s white marble. The interiors were lavishly decorated with marble, mosaic, and statues. Today, the great vault, which is a rectangular room with an area of around 60 by 24 m rests, it is visually supported by three 15m columns of Egyptian granite but in fact it lies on eight large concrete piers.
Our view on the building
Discovering this fact reminded us (of an interesting quote we had come across in Spiro Kostof’s ‘History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals’, “…repeatedly civilization has exemplified Patrick Geddes’ dictum that the perfection of the architectural form does not come till the institution sheltered by it is on the point of passing away.”
Discovering this fact reminded us (of an interesting quote we had come across in Spiro Kostof’s ‘History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals’, “…repeatedly civilization has exemplified Patrick Geddes’ dictum that the perfection of the architectural form does not come till the institution sheltered by it is on the point of passing away.”
The Baths of Diocletian, show both, the advancement and ‘perfection’ of engineering expertise as well as their ability to shape their environment and thus have some degree of control over it. After all the baths were built by a man who wanted to display his power and control through this monument after losing his power and control over the Roman Empire.

How important was the bath of Diocletian to its surroundings?
The baths in ancient Rome, I think, could be equivalent to today’s malls. Romans went to the baths everyday in the afternoon to meet friends, socialize, unwind and enjoy their free time. During the time of Hadrian baths were not mixed, the baths either had separate timing for women or had separate baths for women.
If you were to go back in time and visit a bath, the first thing you would probably do before entering is pay a fee and enter a dressing room with shelves around the walls called apodyteria. You would then enter the hot baths, the caldarium, and then spend time in a heated hall, similar to a present day sauna, called the tepidarium. And finally dive in the frigidarium, which is a pool for swimming open to the sky.

Do Roman baths have any significance in today’s architecture and society?
Where did all the water come from?

1. A World History of Art, Hugh Honour and John Fleming – Revised seventh edition. P. 209
3. The Buildings of Ancient Rome, Helen and Richard Leacroft – Brockhampton Press (Leicester) U.K., 1969, P. 22 – 25